Client Focus
Problem Solving
Client Focus Problem Solving
Areas of Expertise
Our law firm primarily operates in the field of civil law, with a particular specialization in telecommunications, information and communication technology, and data protection law. Additionally, we regularly deliver services for our clients in general corporate law, company law, labour law, and real estate law, both within the framework of long-term partnerships and occasional contracts.
Information and Communication Technology
Real Estate Law
Support for Businesses
Labour Law
Company Law
Data Protection
Areas of Expertise
Our law firm primarily operates in the field of civil law, with a particular specialization in telecommunications, information and communication technology, and data protection law. Additionally, we regularly deliver services for our clients in general corporate law, company law, labour law, and real estate law, both within the framework of long-term partnerships and occasional contracts.
Information and Communication Technology
Real Estate Law
Support for Businesses
Labour Law
Company Law
Data Protection
About Us
Our History
Our law firm was founded in 2008 by dr. Zsolt Menyhárt, who gained his experience as an in-house counsel and regulatory expert for multinational telecommunications providers. He later served as a legal and regulatory director and held a senior position at the national regulatory authority of infocommunications. Building on the client base acquired during this time, our firm expanded over the years, primarily through telecommunications, corporate, and real estate law assignments.
Our Mission
Our goal is to provide our clients with customer-centric, problem-solving legal services of a broad scope. To achieve this, in addition to the practice of traditional legal services, we constantly strive to evolve and expand our range of services to meet the expectations of the modern age.
Our Team
Dr. Menyhárt Zsolt
Managing Lawyer
Dr. Menyhárt graduated from Eötvös Lóránd University Faculty of Law with J.D. in 1995. As a junior associate, he gained practical experience in Debrecen, mainly representing clients in litigation matters. As a certified lawyer, he accumulated experience in telecommunications law, regulations, and civil law while working for MATÁV Rt. and GTS Datanet Kft. He later worked as a senior staff member at the National Media and Infocommunications Authority, where he participated in the review of major electronic communications regulations. He started his independent law firm in 2008 that has been operating in Budaörs for almost ten years..
Dr. Szontagh Á. Gusztáv
Junior associate
He first obtained a degree in Administration and Organization, and later a degree in Public Administration from the National University of Public Service. Finally, in 2021, he graduated as a lawyer from Pázmány Péter Catholic University. In his thesis, he focused on regulatory and practical issues related to the GDPR. He completed his professional internship at the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly and subsequently at our law firm, where he has been working as a junior associate since being admitted to the Bar.
Dr. Menyhárt Zsolt
irodavezető ügyvéd
Jogi diplomáját az Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetemen szerezte 1995-ben. Ügyvédjelöltként Debrecenben szerezett gyakorlatot, ahol főként peres képviseletet látott el. Szakvizsgázott jogászként a MATÁV Rt.-nél, majd a GTS Datanet Kft.-nél gyűjtött elsősorban távközlési jogi, szabályozási, polgári jogi tapasztalatot, majd az NMHH vezető beosztású munkatársaként is dolgozott, ahol részt vett a legfőbb elektronikus hírközlési jogszabályok véleményezésében is. Önálló ügyvédi irodája 2008 óta működik, lassan tíz éve Budaörsön.
Dr. Szontagh Á. Gusztáv
Először igazgatás-szervező, majd közigazgatási szakértő végzettséget szerzett a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetemen, majd végül 2021-ben végzett jogászként a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetemen. Diplomamunkájában a GDPR-ral kapcsolatos szabályozási és gyakorlati kérdésekkel foglalkozott. Szakmai gyakorlatát az Országgyűlés Hivatalában, majd irodánkban töltötte, ahol jogásszá avatása óta ügyvédjelöltként dolgozik.
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